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STD Screening

Downtown Medical Group

Primary Care & Internal Medicine located in San Francisco, CA

If you’re sexually active or have been sexually active recently, regular sexually transmitted disease (STD) screening is an important part of maintaining your health. At Downtown Medical Group in Union Square in downtown San Francisco, a team of professionals is ready to help with STD screening, prevention, and treatment. Book your appointment using the online scheduler or by calling the office today.

STD Screening Q & A

What are the signs of an STD?

STDs don't always have clear symptoms, especially in their early stages. You can have an STD and not know it until your STD screening. But, sometimes STDs cause changes such as:


Some STDs cause skin sores or bumps on or around your genitals.


STDs can cause unusual vaginal or penile discharge. The discharge is often smelly, thick, or discolored.

Burning during urination

STDs can make urination very uncomfortable. You might have a burning sensation before and during urination.

Increased urination frequency

When you have an STD, you might urinate or have the urge to urinate more often.

Genital discomfort or pain 

Some STDs can cause genital discomfort or pain, including itchiness and swelling.  

Flu-like symptoms

In some cases, STD symptoms can mimic the flu. You could have a low-grade fever, whole-body aches and pains, and chronic fatigue.

If you’re having any of these symptoms, speak to your Downtown Medical Group physician about an STD screening as soon as possible. 

What STDs can I test for?

It depends on your needs. Talk to your primary care physician at Downtown Medical Group about your lifestyle, your symptoms (if any), the number of partners you have, the type of sex you have, and the kind of protection you use, so they can customize STD testing for your needs. 

Some of the STDs commonly included in screening are:

  • HIV
  • Herpes
  • Hepatitis 
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis

The exact screening method depends on the STD. Your testing may include urine, blood, throat or rectal swabs, or a small genital cell sample.

Does STD treatment vary?

STD treatment varies widely by disease. Downtown Medical Group offers all of today’s most advanced and effective treatments to help you recover your sexual and whole-body health as soon as possible. Your attending physician is also ready to help you avoid STD recurrence. 

How can I prevent STDs?

Your Downtown Medical Group primary care physicians can help you prevent STDs in a few ways. They give you customized advice regarding protection during sex, STD screening frequency, and other types of protection like the human papillomavirus (HPV) prevention vaccine (Gardasil9®) and PrEP.

For discreet STD screening, treatment, and prevention, call (415) 362-2630 or use online scheduling today.